I have just been jaded around like a fool and doing nothing. Well, yesterday, night to Friday I actually did something. I walked out of the house around 00.30 in the night, obviously, to meet a boy I have been talking to for like two years.
When I meet him we just sat and talked for a while before he had to go home again. He is way higher than me, so I felt like a tiny person, haha! So I was stood on a edge to be higher. It didn't really work out as good as I was hoping for. Hehe... But it was a nice time, and I enjoyed it, actually. And I really hope we'll meet again soon.
But I'm looking forward to take the plane home to Bergen, oh my have I missed Bergen and all my friends! I just know that we are going to have a little party for Marte because she is turning 17. It's gonna be a funny night with good friends and all that stuff. But honestly, I hope we will be able to find a party before that time. I really wanna go out with some good friends and just have a really good time.
Just hanging around home with some friends would also have been nice, talk about all that have happened lately and just have a sleep over! That actually sounds like a great idea! Hehe, but now I really have to get something to drink. So yeah. Have a nice day people
ahaha :D Love the pictures!
ReplyDeleteNicee :DD