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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Girls just wanna have fun!

Aah, I feel like everything on this blog has something to do with sad things. So I want to blog about something that isn't sad, not at all! Like the title says "Girls just wanna have fun!", and I'm so tired of having nothing to do, and with nothing I mean absolutely nothing. Zero.

I have just been jaded around like a fool and doing nothing. Well, yesterday, night to Friday I actually did something. I walked out of the house around 00.30 in the night, obviously, to meet a boy I have been talking to for like two years.
When I meet him we just sat and talked for a while before he had to go home again. He is way higher than me, so I felt like a tiny person, haha! So I was stood on a edge to be higher. It didn't really work out as good as I was hoping for. Hehe... But it was a nice time, and I enjoyed it, actually. And I really hope we'll meet again soon.

But I'm looking forward to take the plane home to Bergen, oh my have I missed Bergen and all my friends! I just know that we are going to have a little party for Marte because she is turning 17. It's gonna be a funny night with good friends and all that stuff. But honestly, I hope we will be able to find a party before that time. I really wanna go out with some good friends and just have a really good time.

Just hanging around home with some friends would also have been nice, talk about all that have happened lately and just have a sleep over! That actually sounds like a great idea! Hehe, but now I really have to get something to drink. So yeah. Have a nice day people


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